Searching Records

To find records quickly, SalesNOW has a very powerful text search option. This text search tool will search every field within every document within SalesNOW to return documents which include that specific text anywhere within the document.

To use the text search feature, do the following:

  1. In the main tab menu or within any main tab click the Menu button and select Options

  2. Highlight Text Search and click the trackball

  3. Click the Menu button, highlight Select All, and click the trackball

  4. Type the text that you would like to search

  5. Click the Menu button, highlight Search, and click the trackball

  6. To display the search findings, highlight the record type such as Contacts click the trackball and select Expand

  7. This will display the contact records that meet the text search criteria. To display a specific record, highlight the record and click the trackball

Note: This text search will only search data within your SalesNOW BlackBerry Edition.

See Also:

Sorting Records

Finding Records

Filtering Records